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Could ignoring your liver be taking a toll on your health? Your liver is the largest internal organ responsible for over 500 vital functions in the body— from filtering harmful toxins to manufacturing bile to regulating blood sugar and much more. So amazing is your liver, if parts were removed or damaged, it would regrow to full size in mere months. Unfortunately…



Plus environmental pollutants, chemical food additives and chlorinated water are just a few of the culprits your liver battles every day. The fact is, your liver likely is telling you something. According to the Mayo Clinic, a fatty overworked liver affects 25% of the world's population. It’s a silent tsunami because most ignore the symptoms.

Overloaded liver signs range from that frequent feeling of fatigue to excess fat you can't seem to shed, no matter how hard you diet… to brain fog, bloating, accelerated aging and more. Bottom line? If your liver isn’t healthy, neither are you. Don’t ignore it — now you can do something about it because:



Active Liver™ is the once-a-day wonder tablet from Sweden for maintaining liver health without the strain and stress of detoxes and fasts. It’s a gentle, all-natural supplement packed with these liver loving all-star ingredients.

Milk thistle has been used for 2,000 years as an herbal remedy and contains “premier liver-protectant flavonoids” as found in a landmark University of California at Berkeley study in 2005 (1). Artichoke leaf is your liver’s “bile buddy” and a prized extract in traditional folk medicine.

It boasts “liver protective and regenerative properties, which were confirmed by biochemical analysis” in a 2023 review study from Basel, Switzerland (2). Rounding out Active Liver™ is the famed inflammation fighter, turmeric extract, the all-star in Ayurveda medicine relied on for millennia. Lab studies showed it’s just as effective at reducing inflammation as the potent drugs hydrocortisone and phenylbutazone, but without the steroidal side effects (3). You depend on your liver for 500 functions a day, why not do one thing for it? Active Liver™ delivers for your liver!


1) Kidd P, Head K. A review of the bioavailability and clinical efficacy of milk thistle phytosome: asilybin-phosphatidylcholine complex (Siliphos). Altern Med Rev. 2005 Sep;10(3):193-203.
PMID: 16164374.

2) Florek, E.; Szukalska, M.; Markiewicz, K.; Miechowicz, I.; Gornowicz-Porowska, J.; Jelińska, A.; Kasprzyk-Pochopień, J.; Nawrot, J.; Sobczak, A.; Horoszkiewicz, M.; et al. Evaluation of the Protective and Regenerative Properties of Commercially Available Artichoke Leaf Powder Extract on Plasma and Liver Oxidative Stress Parameters. Antioxidants 2023, 12, 1846.

3) Mukhopadhyay A, Basu N, Ghatak N. Anti-inflammatory and irritant activities of curcumin analogues in rats. Agents Actions 1982;12:508-15.